Another W.Va. Coal Miner Killed on the Job
Apr 23, 2010 ... Another West Virginia coal miner has died on the job, after being crushed between a piece of heavy equipment and a block of coal late ... - Cached

Coal Mine Explosion - West Virginia's ...
Apr 5, 2010 video - Coal Mine Explosion

CBS NewsObama Sends Condolences to West Virginia Coal Mining Victims -59 minutes ago
President Obama on Tuesday offered condolences to the victims of the West Virginia coal mine explosion that killed 25 and left four workers missing in the ...FOXNews - 383 related articles »
Disaster-stricken West Virginia coal mine has a history of trouble -Facing South (blog) - 2709 related articles »******* ******* *******
*pray for them,
*** their families,
***and all those like them
***when we rise,***we shall shine***like the stars***forever and ever***

when we rise***
***children of coal mining regions
coal mining photos from:
(draft - trying to re-organize 1st page and place new post .. this is a lot of work!! .lolOlollOLLLL 'vERy tRUe !!) ... support local children's medical missions .
News results for west virginia coal mine explosion - Cached

Apr 5, 2010 video - Coal Mine Explosion
CBS News | Obama Sends Condolences to West Virginia Coal Mining Victims - President Obama on Tuesday offered condolences to the victims of the West Virginia coal mine explosion that killed 25 and left four workers missing in the ... FOXNews - 383 related articles »Disaster-stricken West Virginia coal mine has a history of trouble -Facing South (blog) - 2709 related articles » ******* ******* ******* * * * pray for them, *** their families, *** and all those like them |
coal mining photos from:
(draft - trying to re-organize 1st page and place new post .. this is a lot of work!! .lolOlollOLLLL 'vERy tRUe !!) ... support local children's medical missions .