
BAD DREAMS .......... (support medical missions)


excerpts from the email and reply

ive been having these bad dreams for 4 days straight. these dreams are messing me up. i hate to go to sleep. then i have flashbacks all day. the dreams are about bad things i did in the past. i want to hangout with friends, but they dont call me anymore. i dont call them either. i can shake them off, but not these dreams.

I do believe that I have a demon attached to my brain. I wake up and see strange images making my heart pound so hard and then this bad feeling comes
over me and I have to get on the internet or find someone who will talk on the
phone or anything. I feel like I am betraying everyone,
especially God. I know that these things can be defeated,
but they seem to be getting more intense. especially since im trying to live right. i go to church but im not really studying much. im actively involved I was doing the bare minimum and that is not going to help me. i know God will help me. He helps all of us. thanks for listening.

from papa hiirm:
first of all you are victorious! be proud and humbly thank your Heavenly FATHER for the strength you have in staying away from friends that dont share your desires for life with HIM. :wow ... that was a mouth full :lol ol: thank HIM for giving you the strength to seek help in good places. you got Wisdom!! ask for more everyday. you are reminding me thats what i need to do everyday - James chapter 1.

thank HIM for the great choices you are making for your life. you are doing great - and you are in my prayers. now mr. satanny is trying to mess with your dreams. he does that to me too.

you are immediately in my prayers. i know how dreams and flashbacks can tear us down.
when this happens to me, i sleep with my bible. the WORD is living and active. i started doing that in my 20's. sleeping with my bible, a prayer book, or my journal helps my dreams to stay focused on HIM.

what mr. satanny is doing to you goes back to Matthew chapter 12, when he came in with those ole grandmama-daddy's baby's mama spirit.

we will pray those spirits down. write a simple letter to the church that the evil one is attacking your dreams. accountability will knock him flat on his back. im spitting on him right now. i wish brother fountain and brother bob.bomb were here :lol:. satanny thinks brimstone is bad. he aint met bob.bomb. satanny started shrinking the moment you told your KING and other believers. you are loved. you write that letter. and write a letter to your Heavenly Father.

one time i told the children get out the phonebook and start writing down churches and adresses on index cards to mail out with 'we are asking for prayer'. Acts 20:28 church of God whose blood bought the church, Romans 16:16 churches of Christ.

before those cards got out the door - our prayers were answered.

HE is GOOD all the time!! my prayers are continually with you.


church members and shorts ..................................................................... (support medical missions)

more church members that i know:

sister henny penny - she clucks like a little hen when she laughs. never get around sister henny penny and sister fountain at the same time. its like weird fireworks. you hear fireworks but feel showers.

which leads us to:
brother bob.bomb - lets just say he toots a lot. and in a big way. now you can smell the fireworks.

now thursday
last night the kids said 'when around brother and sister fountain (they are not related) stay away from the 't' and 'p' words. and especially stay away from the 's' 'sssssss' words - extra showers.

why did i do this? my life is over .......... (support children's medical missions)


excerpt from email and reply:
i dont know why i did this last night. I went out with my friend's. we got crazy. we did too many things to talk about in public and at home. with the cellphone and computer. im so enbarassed. i wasnt even drinking, but following the crowd. it seemed like fun at first to be around drunk friends. really it was one friend. we did too many thing. i hope nobody i know saw us. I can get so confused about things that would seem to be easy to know.

I did everything i could, taking all kinds of steps to stop this from happening. why did i do it still. i messed up big time. I need prayer. i dont know what to do. I feel like nobody wants to know about my unimportant life. why do i keep messin up.

i want to cry but no tears come out. im sitting here looking stupid. i gonna be depressed for awhile.
im too embarrassed to tell my pastor what Ive been doing. im too embarrassed to tell Jesus.

i will be like this all my life? I need some peace. im 28 and still fall into traps. i want to talk to someone, but dont know who.
please help me Jesus. please help me to do the right thing.

from papa hiirm:
your life is far from being over. you are a very vibrant worker for HIM. like you, i have taken steps and planned - yet still would forget im a Christian. but HE WOULD REMIND me :lol: !! we all get lost sometimes. too many times i have rolled down hill like a runaway coin - thinking i was on a non-stop hill heading for BooGLaDishPah. HE stopped me. HE has Power. HE is the KING and COMMANDER of Heaven's Army. Super RULER of Heaven and Earth.

Jesus loves you, and you love Him. your love for Him shows in your letter. He heard you before you wrote your words in this letter. He hears and He is answering you. He cares about your life.
repent of your mistakes - turn away, and keep turning to Him. He loves you. Heaven is built for you!

make yourself accountable to someone that is more rooted and grounded than you are. write a simple prayer letter to a church (HIS body). a believing congregation - Acts 20:28 church of God whose blood bought the church, Romans 16:16 churches of Christ. the congregation doesnt have to be one that you attend. the simple letter - a letter just asking for prayer. Accountability is very important. you dont have to tell someone everything, but do tell your Heavenly FATHER everything. HE cares.

your Heavenly FATHER never sleeps.
HE is always listening. and HE forgives.
HE hears you and HE answers.
HE never gets sick.
papa hiirm cares about you also. you are in my prayers. write me anytime.
we all need help in making heaven our home!

James 5:16 Accountability
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:15-17 (in Context) James 5 (Whole Chapter)


papa hiirm
hiirm HE is good all the time. HE never sleeps. Heaven is prepared for us. Heaven is our home!
HE is good all the time.He never sleeps.Heaven is prepared for us.Heaven is our home!!!John 14 .. do not have worries, believe in MeI prepared a place for you!

laughter and medicine


Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:21-23 (in Context) Proverbs 17 (Whole Chapter)

i am alergic to most all pain medicine. i have to depend on HIM for Peace and Joy. i have to depend on my Creator. knowing that some medicines are already being produced in my body.

the pain medicine that our body makes, is 1000 times stronger than phramacy grade morphine (heroin) or any other pain medicine - like oxycotin. ...solid evidence that human cells can generate morphine... The most widely accepted explanation was such morphine was of environmental origin, since it also occurs in hay, lettuce, and milk.


anger, jealous, pride, revenge

papa hiirm
hiirmPsalm 7:15He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made.

church members and shorts


church members - based on real members i know

brother Griplock - we were always afraid to shake his hand. and he was such a loving kind man
sister little cornfed - she been opening her own can of corn since she was 4 years old.

brother noHair -he had no eyebrows because he shaved them. and we dont know why. o, he thought it made his face look smaller.

brother fountain - a spitter when he talked. not good. and he loved to talk. got real excited when he talked. < i think we all know someone like this - and thats not a good thing :lol: >

sister fountain - she was worse. she loved to laugh. the more we dodged and laughed, the more she laughed. nice lady - :-k

........ do you think they knew what they were doing - we always wondered :-k

build each other up!

build each other up!

give HOPE. give PEACE. give LOVE!!

help each other in making heaven our home!!!

give a smile.
say to someone 'Peace'
say to someone 'Blessings' !!!!

my KING rules earth and heaven

my KING,

my KING,

my KING,

rules earth and heaven.

in HIM there is relief beyond compare. by Roberta Martin

Psalm 24
1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;

2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

10 Who is he, this King of glory?

The LORD Almighty—
he is the King of glory.


its so hot jokes and shorts

it was so hot today that the sweat was rolling down my forehead,

over -then- under my eyelids,

glazing my eyballs like the sugar from krispy kreme donuts,

then it went down my face.

i couldnt see nothing.

i didnt know if i was crying, laughing, or just plain plum crazy.

and if ive already said this, forgive me. im olden and its hot.

people are looking at me weird or not at all

excerpt from email:

my parents told the pastor at church that im having mental problems. he was very supportive. but then i noticed people were looking at me weird. laughing at me behind my back. some people would not looking at me at all. one person was making a joke, then said 'o, not you'. why did he (the pastor) have to tell people. my parents said pray for them. i dont want my friends at school (university) to know. my regular doctor said im having anxiety. all guys go through this.

from papa hiirm:

first your pastor was wrong to tell others. if i was there, i would pop him in the nose. OK, NOT REALLY. and please dont do that. but this makes me angry. there are people out there you can trust. your parents were a little anxious. but we are always wanting to fix our chidren and sometimes get impatient. your doctor sounds like a wise person.

sometimes we think the pastor or church leaders - spiritual leaders are the wisest in dealing with our lives. pastor does mean leader, guide, overseer of the congregation. i have found some of the wisest people in church are the ones that have raised nice loving children. many times i have asked them for advice. i have hanged around them just to see how they handle situations.

for the people that are acting stupid (looking at me weird. laughing at me behind my back. some people would not looking at me at all ... ect...) pray for them! everytime they come up in your mind - PRAY FOR THEM!! even if you have to do that 3000 times in a day. soon satan will get tired and pick on someone else.

dont have a faith crash. thats when satan sends his spirits to tear you down. Christ builds you up. then satan comes back with the grandmama, big papa, great great granny spirits - trying to leave you in a worst shape than before.

ive been through this and didnt know it. life can be weird. but HE is with us all the time!!

i hope this helps your situation. please feel free to write just to talk or ask a question.

keep praying, yoUR Heavenly FATHER heard you when these thoughts were drafted in your mind. ask HIM to help you to be faithful and kindhearted. HE will answer and give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37

1Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

2For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

3Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

4Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

5Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

it is very hot and humid here - people and depression

in all seriousness. - its very hot and humid here in the deep south. my friends say that in Australia it is like winter time.

i know this weather is causing a lot of people to feel depressed and lonely.

i ask myself, what can i do for them?

How can i help?

What should i say?

i have discovered in the past few weeks, that if i only say 'you are in my prayers' or 'blessings to you' and gave a warm smile - that made people feel better. and over time they felt comfortable in telling their story.

being in the medical field, i want to rule out the physical things that are going on.

Lets take some vital signs!! your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, oxygen stats, blood sugar. and if possible a urine sample.

so many people have felt depressed and overwhelmed - and the cause was a urinary tract infection (UTI). antiboitics cleared it up !! and they felt much better.

depression for me is a sign that im in pain. normally i dont feel depressed. and im always wanting to see the kids grow up. if im thinking differently - somethings wrong :lolol: im in pain - like migraine headache pain!!! and i need to take some medicine. my meds are mainly herbs - HIS medicine the leaves (from the book of Ezekiel)

Ezekiel 47:12 12And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.


its so hot jokes and short 's - PART 4

it was so hot today
that people were eating watermelons upside down to cool off.
coolness on the ground, makes me up side down.

it was so hot today
that granny thought grandpa had bought
some weird watermelon lawnmowers
to sell at the country fair.
dont sell your hair at the country fair.

it was so hot today that grandpa called NASA
to report aliens with watermelon heads.
aliens got knowledge, they went to college

it was so hot today
that the waterbugs thought the eyeballs
in their watermelons were aliens.
seeing waterbugs and eyeballs
made little granny break the walls

yep ...... it was hot!!

our FATHER in Heaven answers prayer

our FATHER in Heaven answers prayer,

He will make a way for you,

and HE will lead you safely through.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

children's inner city medical missions .......... giving their voices to the world

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