
its so hot jokes and short 's - PART 2

its so hott down south in October ..

the little tree roaches were singing

'Soft Summer Breeze'

in PIG LATIN (OK !!!! THIS IS ONLY A LITTLE funny IF YOU KNOW the PIG LATIN LANGUAGE .. its real country .llolollollLOLOLollolollL .. example: waterbugs have rights too !! - aterbugsWAY aveHAY ightsRAY ooTAY !! // .lolOLOlolOLLOllolOLL ..ooTAY ooTAY andAY ouYAY .. oveLAY !!)

and im taking my bath outside in THailand !!!!

its so hot,

the ladybugs took the spots

off their backs to fan with.

And they were using all six legs.

its so hot that granny tried to take a bath in the ice bucket - and grandpa was helping her .

its so hot

that granny took her teeth out,

so her gums

could get some air

its so hot that granny thought she was seeing things when she saw ladybugs in her room fanning with their spots - using all six legs and grandpa was helping them !!!!

yep, it was hot ... and grandpa was doing too much !!

________________________________________________ - ladybug lete culturel

sea the glowworms and the dancing firefly by Rosalind Lord’s other illustrations. cool for kids and me

News submitted by Julien Chung - Visit Website wow!! julien chung animal art !! and wow!! learn about ladybugs, a beautiful creation.


Oct 18, 2009 1st day of the week

imma White-Footed Mouse Pup

thats trying to stay warm !!

.. its kinda getting chilly out here

.. brrrrrr... brrrrr

White-Footed Mouse Pup

Uploaded on September 5, 2009by Rhonda'sThing
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free coke cola .. music to children's ears. ...... health is wealth.. free free free - part 1

(draft) .. O MANN!! a raisin bran cereal game on blog
WOW!! .. ok im sorry, keep 09.28
OCT 2, I SAW IT!! .. kellogg's raisin bran extra game ..
raisin bran is good for you!!
OCT 5, POWERADE !! i didnt know Coke made powerade!!
i want some free powerade.lololol !! i just saw it on the blog ad

FREE COKE COLA .. .lol. ......sorry coca cola !! and
hiirm No coke cola
5 hours before going to bed !
yaLL hear me !!! DRINK SPRITE OR #WATER ! .LOLL.
i know #kids are saying ....... 'yea right' .lol ...
I have tried, tried, and tried to guide my children
away from coke cola .lol.
as you can tell by the writing, ive been unsuccessful.
the minute someone brings it into the house,
or the store is offering free samples,

I could have told them they won a million dollars
and still they would only hear that little old lady saying
'free coke cola .. get your samples today ...... with coupons !!'

now ive got a car full of coke coupons
that the old lady gave to the kids from the store.
im too embarrassed to throw them away in the store.
after years of preaching
some of the kids drink Sprite over coke,
and very surprising to me ... they love good water!!
this makes me happy! ... ive done something right in life !!!!
(i didnt know coca cola made water until i saw it on this blog ..
i guess Dasani water and DR Pepper makes
all natural Snapple .lollol ... wonders never cease !!)

there are a lot of good things about coke cola. my grandmother told me the coke cola syrup is good for serious colds.

what are the mystery ingredients?!!!!
im going to start here - we all are just guessing .lol : * 1 oz citrate caffeine * 3 oz citric acid * 1 fl oz extract vanilla * 1 qt lime juice * 2� oz flavoring * 30 lb (14 kg) sugar * 4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf) * 2� gal water * Caramel sufficient * 80 Oil orange * 40 Oil cinnamon * 120 Oil lemon * 20 Oil coriander * 40 Oil nutmeg * 40 Oil neroli
**more soon !!
Coke Cola for lovers?!! cola has something in it that will rekindle any married couples flames - keeping the home fire burning !!
neroli oil ... egyptian !! tell you more soon !!!
.... update sept 6, 2009 .. i think neroli is a citrus oil. i do know the scent is veryVery exotic and romantic. it WILL put romance in the air. Neroli oil will make a dead man smile .lololol. plus you get to say its Egyptian !!!!
think 'the Song of Solomon'
Song of Solomon 1:2-4 (New International Reader's Version)
2 "I long for your lips to kiss me! Your love makes me happier than wine does. 3 The lotion you have on pleases me. Your name is like perfume that is poured out. No wonder the young women love you! 4 Take me away with you. Let us hurry! King Solomon, bring me into your palace. Song of Solomon 1:2-4
...." ..
for sweet dreams: mix neroli oil with lavendar
from papa @hiirm ..... im traveling
on the Ship of Spiritual Dreams !
Heading to beautiful Zion !!
Psalms 37.4 delight . HE will giVE !!.
i like mixing neroli oil with shea butter. i not endorsing another product .lol. but Bath and Body Works makes a great shea butter cream called
Lay It On Thick. ...great for the the skin !!! i use this product and im reAL BIG into good skin care. Skin is your largest body part!
i promise .. no one, nobody, no person is paying me to say this .lollol. very true!! just trying to help parents and kids live in harmony to together with a few things ive learned along the way !! HE is blessing uS !!
*** September 27,2009 Kids said they are started to love good water more !! and these were teens that started the conversation while we were in DOLLAR TREE STORE !!! and teens 'you know - they might talk to you, .. and maybe NOT !! .LOL!
support local children's medical missions .

a special needs boy accepted into a top school !! ... those in need of prayer!!!

My Son by wazari

support local children's medical missions .

oUR Heavenly FATHER is watching over us!!
03/26/2010  his dad said at last teacher conference 'he is doing good .. a lot of improvement' .. i will admit,  i was afraid they would not let him stay .. the boy loves the school .. im happy !! .. this has been a long road .. oUR Heavenly FATHER gives uS Peace !!!
i have been praying over this little boy since he was in his mother's womb. oUR Heavenly FATHER knows us before we are born.

those little womb babies can hear us! .lol. -- its true !!!!
Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

His dad reads with him everyday. His mom fights to get the best education for him.
Pray for them. they are a young couple!!

this has been a very very very strange week!! o yes!!! Praise HIM from whom all blessings flow!! YES YES YES YES YES !!!

i dont know what is going on in heaven! But i know its all good!!

HE answers prayer! O yes HE does!! HE is in control! HE Loves us! HE is holding our hand. And HE does not let go!!!

Hold on to HIS unchanging hand!! things change around us all the time. But HE does not change!

and once again - keep them in yoUR prayers. they are a young family!!
update Sept 6,2009
hiirm yoUR #prayers are worth more than any amount of #money! #pray4 yng missionaries that lost money with kids . @hiirm
this little couple is taking care of extra children from their family. spending money i know they dont have. lately due to a car accident involving the kids more money will be spent. they are searching for a radiator kit at a reasonable price. i pray this does not discourage them in their missionary efforts.
you dont have to care for hundreds or thousands of people to be a missionary. it starts with one!! thats where it re-started for me. i met one special needs boy, then hundreds of families. just writing this brings tears to my eyes, thinking about him and HIS LOVE.
the boys words were 'i come to church to be with my friends'
THIS SPECIAL NEEDS boy frOM, Laos helped me to get in contact with my family in America. Specific Family members that I had been continuously praying for years ago, but had not met.
Now how did this happen?!!! – mY King, mY KING, mY K I N G PS24 !!! Our prayers are big James5

comments from:
Ryan Biddulph Blog URL:
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very hot in the house - heat exhaustion ... those in need of prayer

support local children's medical missions .

August/2009 - a missionary lady - her air conditioner is broke. and it is very hot in the house. pray for her house and her health. she has helped so many children and is very modest. i only found out through a friend.

updated September 28, 2009 - i felt bad about posting this because of staying in other countries where most all homes have no air conditioning - even in the cities. but the post was very necessary .. she is so very very kindhearted !! and very blessed by oUR Heavenly FATHER!!
many homes overseas did have huge electric fans (floor and ceiling)! they felt cool and we took a lot of showers - many !! .lOLloll.


i posted this because many people die or suffer serious injury due to excessive heat.

i prayed over this post a lot. i talk to mY Heavenly FATHER about everything!!

then Sunday morning (1st day of the week) i saw on the news

Hot temps and hot jets dominate Saturday's air show
Record-Searchlight - Rob Rogers - ‎Sep 27, 2009‎
... approximately 50 people in a first-aid hangar for various stages of heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion, said Mark Belden, ...

Ford Motor Company .. now listed tops in safety for the world !!

Ford Motor Company .. now listed tops in safety for the world !!

A World Leader in Automotive Safety - a top pick for insurance companies !!
safety is very important. Deuteronomy 6 - the children asked 'why did we need to follow the commandments?' the answer: HIS COMMANDMENTS will keep us safe! Love the MOST HOLY, ANCIENT of DAYS, oUR Heavenly Father with all your heart .. love and pray for your neighbor as you love yourself. love the Prince of Peace, and love HIS Spirit.
Deutoronomy 6 gives great instructions for raising kids !!

support local children's medical missions .

15 year old (myspace): my house ........ those in need of prayer

support local children's medical missions .

a 15 year old (from myspace): my house has gotten wild. im trying to be the man of the house to my yonger brothers and sisters, but it is hard. my mother died this year. My father is rarely at home because he is working all day and almost all night.

there are eight of us. my older brothers and sisters, and our cousins come over and use the house to party. Eating all our food, getting drunk, sleeping with their friends here. Nobody listens to me and know my younger brothers and sisters are getting involved with them.

Last week my brother ran away from home. He said his life is all messed up and wanted out.

Pleace pray for us.

children's inner city medical missions .......... giving their voices to the world

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