twitters, Please feel free to respond by clicking here or email
excerpts from letters and the responses
32 yo female ... im too embarrassed to go back to church or 12 step meetings. I am 32 and feeling so many body aches from the extra weight. I can hardly bend over. It feels Iike my knees are popping. Ive got stretch marks. And you can feel the stretch the marks. This is gross.
i was exercising, then I stopped. I was in relationship that was filled with jealousy. Constant calls all the time. I had to go, it was too much. I was feeling sad then relieved, then sad again.
I don't know what to do. Im scared to start to dating again because Now I am so overweight and out of shape. And I cant take enough showers. I have a Bad odor under my stomach. I did not take care of myself when I was in the relationship. I took care of their needs first. My energy is gone.
I want to go back to my old self and think of me.
28yo male ... I overeat all the time. I am at about 410 pounds. I go to the gym at least once a week. I cant stick to a diet and im always wanting to eat even when not hungry.
And then I eat too much. I am tired of midnight eating. Two days ago I went to McDonalds,
Pizza Hut, Subway, and a home style fast place. It was enough food for 6 men.
I ate it all in less than an hour. I couldn't stop myself. Now ive been sick and still want to
Do it again. Im so sad. Big fat and sad. Im so alone and just bored.
I am tired of being the fattest in the land. Im sick and tired of people calling me TOM TURKEY.
All this weight makes me sick. I am really sick with heart problems and all kinds of stomach problems.
Im too embarrassed to go to the doctor. I know I smell, I want to date, im young and should be out
Enjoying myself. I need help. All the people in my family are big. They think im cute and huggable.
Im a BLOB. I need help now!!
******** this is not an exerpt. This is the full letter. Im 20 years old (male). I stay in my room all the time. I only eat at night. Im usually on my computer. School is out, im so alone.
Nobody has this problem like me. I lost 15 pounds last month. Im bored and my life is in a mess. I don't have friends, Not even at church. I do love Jesus.
from papa hiirm:
am so happy for your wisdom in telling someone your problem - someone that can help, someone that cares. yoUR FATHER in Heaven knows you. HE cares. Dont hide in your rooms. hide in the MOUNTIAN. tell your Heavenly FATHER all about it by the Power of HIS BLOOD.
let us pray: Heavenly FATHER by the Power of YOUR BLOOD, keep us in YOUR Care. keep us in YOUR Love. Give us wisdom to make the right choices. and forgive us of our bad choices. Give us Peace. Give us Love. Give us Joy. Help us to love YOU with all our hearts. give us Peace.
ok .... now say ... boo.goo.goo. BOO.GOO.GOO BOO.GOO.GOO
now say it again louder:
boo.goo.goo. BOO.GOO.GOO BOO.GOO. GOO !!!!!
ok now say this three times each time faster and faster
and faster and loud:
Luke 16:26
And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
now if you said boo.goo.goo loud - take a break and laugh at yourself
because i have no idea what that means :lol: but it can makes my pain go away.
when you live in shame, guilt, isolation - mr. satanny is trying to fill your life with fear and darkness. walking in darkness - you gonna bump your toe - that aint rightttt.
he wants you to be so scared ... that you cant make a move without thinking every bad thought imaginable. his plan is to be sure you wont able be able to cross hence from thence. his thence is the lake - a very hot lake. and papa hiirm aint gonna be there. im gonna be resting in hence :lol: AND SO ARE YOU !!
that verse is a tongue twister. its very power - and it will make you laugh trying to say it fast. enjoy our Creator's Word. its living and active!!!
staying locked up in your room, or hiding away in your house is not the solution. trying to explain food issues and eating issues with others is a little ruff because most people dont understand. but do ask the church for prayer. be ACCOUNTABLE. go to 12 step meetings for overeaters even if your problem is in reverse. plus it will be part of your getting out. get involved in spreading the WORD, do some volunteer work. Ask your Heavenly FATHER to help live and speak by HIS WILL. you are not alone !!