more chuch members that i know
sister winkyWinkie - two words - hairy eyeballs.
she's always winking and smiling ---- like what is she really thinking.
she will say 'nice day' 'i like your hair, its nice'
'its yours, ..... you paid for it'
one day a kid was wearing a red shirt in the month of August.
she said 'you a nice looking young man .................. merry Christmas'
job security - sister hennyPenny, sister fountain, and sister winkyWinky in the same room, and you are in the paper towel business.
o ... and the children love sister winkyWinkie, and sister hennyPenny is tiny and beautiful (i have to say this just in case she is reading this :lol: shhhh)
she meant georgeous...Ooops...meant gorgeous...lolLoll
job security...hahaha...funny...not here in the USA
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