
BAD DREAMS .......... (support medical missions)


excerpts from the email and reply

ive been having these bad dreams for 4 days straight. these dreams are messing me up. i hate to go to sleep. then i have flashbacks all day. the dreams are about bad things i did in the past. i want to hangout with friends, but they dont call me anymore. i dont call them either. i can shake them off, but not these dreams.

I do believe that I have a demon attached to my brain. I wake up and see strange images making my heart pound so hard and then this bad feeling comes
over me and I have to get on the internet or find someone who will talk on the
phone or anything. I feel like I am betraying everyone,
especially God. I know that these things can be defeated,
but they seem to be getting more intense. especially since im trying to live right. i go to church but im not really studying much. im actively involved I was doing the bare minimum and that is not going to help me. i know God will help me. He helps all of us. thanks for listening.

from papa hiirm:
first of all you are victorious! be proud and humbly thank your Heavenly FATHER for the strength you have in staying away from friends that dont share your desires for life with HIM. :wow ... that was a mouth full :lol ol: thank HIM for giving you the strength to seek help in good places. you got Wisdom!! ask for more everyday. you are reminding me thats what i need to do everyday - James chapter 1.

thank HIM for the great choices you are making for your life. you are doing great - and you are in my prayers. now mr. satanny is trying to mess with your dreams. he does that to me too.

you are immediately in my prayers. i know how dreams and flashbacks can tear us down.
when this happens to me, i sleep with my bible. the WORD is living and active. i started doing that in my 20's. sleeping with my bible, a prayer book, or my journal helps my dreams to stay focused on HIM.

what mr. satanny is doing to you goes back to Matthew chapter 12, when he came in with those ole grandmama-daddy's baby's mama spirit.

we will pray those spirits down. write a simple letter to the church that the evil one is attacking your dreams. accountability will knock him flat on his back. im spitting on him right now. i wish brother fountain and brother bob.bomb were here :lol:. satanny thinks brimstone is bad. he aint met bob.bomb. satanny started shrinking the moment you told your KING and other believers. you are loved. you write that letter. and write a letter to your Heavenly Father.

one time i told the children get out the phonebook and start writing down churches and adresses on index cards to mail out with 'we are asking for prayer'. Acts 20:28 church of God whose blood bought the church, Romans 16:16 churches of Christ.

before those cards got out the door - our prayers were answered.

HE is GOOD all the time!! my prayers are continually with you.

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