
church members and shorts


church members - based on real members i know

brother Griplock - we were always afraid to shake his hand. and he was such a loving kind man
sister little cornfed - she been opening her own can of corn since she was 4 years old.

brother noHair -he had no eyebrows because he shaved them. and we dont know why. o, he thought it made his face look smaller.

brother fountain - a spitter when he talked. not good. and he loved to talk. got real excited when he talked. < i think we all know someone like this - and thats not a good thing :lol: >

sister fountain - she was worse. she loved to laugh. the more we dodged and laughed, the more she laughed. nice lady - :-k

........ do you think they knew what they were doing - we always wondered :-k

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