A malnourished child in an MSF treatment tent in Dolo Ado
By DFID - UK Department for International Development
source 'Cate Turton / Department for International Development'. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dfid/5977576239/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dfid/5977576537/ Most people arriving at Dolo Ado have little or nothing in the way of possessions or food. Children especially are at risk - almost 50% are acutely malnourished. But more aid is starting to get through. A convoy of trucks carrying aid arrived at the camp this week. To find out more about how the UK is helping in Dolo Ado, visit: http://www.dfid.gov.uk/Media-Room/News-Stories/2011/British-aid-battles-starvation-in-Africa/
Luli looks after her severely malnourished child Aden
by By Oxfam East Africa Luli Hassan Ali looks after her severely malnourished four-year-old son, Aden, and his six-year-old brother Mohammed, in a clinic in the Dagahaley camp in Dadaab. Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam
. http://www.flickr.com/photos/oxfameastafrica/5974773434/ Luli Hassan Ali looks after her severely malnourished four-year-old son, Aden, and his six-year-old brother Mohammed, in a clinic in the Dagahaley camp in Dadaab. Photo: Andy Hall/Oxfam
Baby suffering from Kwashiorkor
Kwashiorkor is a disease related to famine. Kwashiorkor, which has not been seen for decades in Zimbabwe, is caused by a chronic deficiency of calories and protein that leaves infants with swollen stomachs caused by excess body fluids.
Nearly 25,000 people die of hunger related causes every day.
All people everywhere should have their most basic needs for food, water and medicine met.
This baby is from Zimbabwe. There is a drought coming very soon in Zimbabwe and there is currently a big shortage of food.
Please phone 411 to get the number for your local senator and petition for greater support to Zimbabwe.
To find out more about Zimbabwe go to...
By venetia joubert sarah oosterveld Venetia Joubert Sarah Oosterveld http://www.flickr.com/photos/venetiajoubert/3335206946/
(draft - trying to re-organize 1st page and place new post .. this is a lot of work!! .lolOlollOLLLL 'vERy tRUe !!) ... support local children's medical missions . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2GXX8aOAEQ&feature=channel http://papahiram.blogspot.com/ http://twitter.com/Tweet_Peace