(draft) .. O MANN!! a raisin bran cereal game on blog
WOW!! .. ok im sorry, keep reading.lol 09.28
OCT 2, I SAW IT!! .. kellogg's raisin bran extra game ..
raisin bran is good for you!!
OCT 5, POWERADE !! i didnt know Coke made powerade!!
i want some free powerade.lololol !! i just saw it on the blog ad
FREE COKE COLA .. .lol. ......sorry coca cola !! and
FREE COKE COLA .. .lol. ......sorry coca cola !! and
hiirm No coke cola
5 hours before going to bed !
yaLL hear me !!! DRINK SPRITE OR #WATER ! .LOLL.
i know #kids are saying ....... 'yea right' .lol ...
I have tried, tried, and tried to guide my children
away from coke cola .lol.
as you can tell by the writing, ive been unsuccessful.
the minute someone brings it into the house,
or the store is offering free samples,
I could have told them they won a million dollars
I could have told them they won a million dollars
and still they would only hear that little old lady saying
'free coke cola .. get your samples today ...... with coupons !!'
now ive got a car full of coke coupons
now ive got a car full of coke coupons
that the old lady gave to the kids from the store.
im too embarrassed to throw them away in the store.
after years of preaching
some of the kids drink Sprite over coke,
and very surprising to me ... they love good water!!
this makes me happy! ... ive done something right in life !!!!
(i didnt know coca cola made water until i saw it on this blog ..
i guess Dasani water and DR Pepper makes
all natural Snapple .lollol ... wonders never cease !!)
there are a lot of good things about coke cola. my grandmother told me the coke cola syrup is good for serious colds.
what are the mystery ingredients?!!!!
im going to start here - we all are just guessing .lol: * 1 oz citrate caffeine * 3 oz citric acid * 1 fl oz extract vanilla * 1 qt lime juice * 2� oz flavoring * 30 lb (14 kg) sugar * 4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf) * 2� gal water * Caramel sufficient * 80 Oil orange * 40 Oil cinnamon * 120 Oil lemon * 20 Oil coriander * 40 Oil nutmeg * 40 Oil neroli
**more soon !!
there are a lot of good things about coke cola. my grandmother told me the coke cola syrup is good for serious colds.
what are the mystery ingredients?!!!!
im going to start here - we all are just guessing .lol
**more soon !!
Coke Cola for lovers?!! cola has something in it that will rekindle any married couples flames - keeping the home fire burning !!
neroli oil ... egyptian !! tell you more soon !!!
.......my update sept 6, 2009 .. i think neroli is a citrus oil. i do know the scent is veryVery exotic and romantic. it WILL put romance in the air. Neroli oil will make a dead man smile .lololol. plus you get to say its Egyptian !!!!
think 'the Song of Solomon'
Song of Solomon 1:2-4 (New International Reader's Version)
2 "I long for your lips to kiss me! Your love makes me happier than wine does. 3 The lotion you have on pleases me. Your name is like perfume that is poured out. No wonder the young women love you! 4 Take me away with you. Let us hurry! King Solomon, bring me into your palace. Song of Solomon 1:2-4
2 "I long for your lips to kiss me! Your love makes me happier than wine does. 3 The lotion you have on pleases me. Your name is like perfume that is poured out. No wonder the young women love you! 4 Take me away with you. Let us hurry! King Solomon, bring me into your palace. Song of Solomon 1:2-4
...." ..
for sweet dreams: mix neroli oil with lavendar
from papa @hiirm ..... im traveling
on the Ship of Spiritual Dreams !
Heading to beautiful Zion !!
Psalms 37.4 delight . HE will giVE !!.
i like mixing neroli oil with shea butter. i not endorsing another product .lol. but Bath and Body Works BathandBodyWorks.com http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/ makes a great shea butter cream called
Lay It On Thick. ...great for the the skin !!! i use this product and im reAL BIG into good skin care. Skin is your largest body part!
i promise .. no one, nobody, no person is paying me to say this .lollol. very true!! just trying to help parents and kids live in harmony to together with a few things ive learned along the way !! HE is blessing uS !!
*** September 27,2009 Kids said they are started to love good water more !! and these were teens that started the conversation while we were in DOLLAR TREE STORE !!! and teens 'you know - they might talk to you, .. and maybe NOT !! .LOL!
the little picture . www.inmagine.com/teamwork-photos/imagezoo-iz046
don't want any...don't want to rekindle anything!!!! love another
Oh !! i know that feeling !! true !!!
no coke !!!! promise
Awesome recipes. As for coca cola, I am a water drinker :)
Your Twitter Friend,
I feel the same way about soda! empty calories.... lots of better options out there. Hey, tell me bout some of your favorite reads...
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