
pray4 the sick and the needy - this is part of the prayer i teach the kids


street children of the Philippines (Mio Cade)
the working poor of America (
in 2009 - one in 15 Americans living in severe poverty
i have been seeing this since i was 20 years old. even in 1980 - 2000 people in my state living without clean water, no electricity. this is in the city.
part of the prayer i teach the kids:
Heavenly FATHER, teach us how to care
for the sick and the needy

(draft - trying to re-organize 1st page and place new post .. this is a lot of work!! .lolOlollOLLLL 'vERy tRUe !!) ... support local children's medical missions .
** im sorry .. i am having trouble uploading to blogger .. i pray to get this fixed soon =((

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

little boy reminds me of a kid i knew long itme ago...lolllooll

children's inner city medical missions .......... giving their voices to the world

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