i wonder who these people could possibly be?!! hmmm .lol.
support local children's medical missions . http://papahiram.blogspot.com/
comments from:
inner city medical missions .......... this is what i need in my life: my Heavenly FATHER, Jesus - my very very best friend, HIS Spirit to seal me with Love, Joy, and Peace. i need laugher - lots of laughter. its my medicine. Proverbs 17:22 joyous heart James 2:23 Friend of HIM, my Creator. and if you cant say papa hiirm, try papa hiram or uncle hiram :lol: our Heavenly FATHER is with us !!
i love this pic !!
these are my singers when making day rounds. keep them in your prayers. they are so special. and thEY kNOw HYMNS!! and oLD OLD SonGS!! (.lol. a lost art)
Heavenly FATHER, by YOUR Blood, watch over them, .. please! .. sincerely .. humbly
children from this country are sooooo...beautiful!!! Some are even gorgeous!!
thanks! yOU are a blessing!! please keep them in prayer!!!
Anonymous said...
i love this pic !
papa hiirm said...
thanks so much, you made their day!
Industry: Education
Location: Texas
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Want "all" people to know about God's love, and that they do have an opportunity of being truly happy through His magnificent love.
Have you asked God to be your Lord and Savoir? He is waiting with open arms. He loves you so much!!!
Christian-A woman who loves God with all her heart.
i have this pic on my desk with a collage of my student's pics !! very very beautiful !!!
what are the children's ages ???
thanks for posting children's picture!! it reminds me of a good friend :)
God loves this beautiful family!!! of this i'm sure. He cares for him sooooo...much!!! He has always been there to care for him. He jst didn't know it at the time, but He is proving it to him now!!! soon he'll understand how Great His love for him is...
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