

#JOY !!!
 ! YouTube featured LiTTLe kiNG in a video!

Little kING
was born
during the 
Nashville FLOOD of 2010 !
that week the hospitals in Nashville were running over with newborn babies.
so many babies being born that hospitals were running out of rooms and doctors to delv the babies.
that week we had a full moon, yellow white glowing moon,
and on Saturday - the ending of the Full Moon. 
And of course the flash floods.
now i have 3 new family babies and 4 newborns from friends.
i did not get any sleep !!! LOLOoo
scared i would miss something :like a little kid:
Little kING makes number 7
*** *** ***
3 month old little kING was featured in a YouTube Video !
(draft - trying to re-organize 1st page and place new post .. this is a lot of work!! .lolOlollOLLLL 'vERy tRUe !!) ... support local children's medical missions .

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children's inner city medical missions .......... giving their voices to the world

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