Romans 8 2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
an email that was sent to me - its a long post:
(to see the full post email me)
This email I'm sending starts off like I'm going to go into detail ona Bible reading program, however, this email really has to do withchanging the "landscape" of one's mind, namely, to "set one's mind onthe Spirit" as Romans 8 and other passages speak of. This isobviously important because that's where the 'battleground" for whatwe deal with begins with, with our minds, the contents and sum of ourthoughts.I meet with a group of men each week from my church, and have beendoing so for a number of years now. We're close friends. Averting alengthy discussion on how my group arrived at a daily Bible readingprogram, (we use the one at ) -- I and my groupstarted reading the Bible nearly daily.For the first time in my life, I'm actually not only getting throughthe Bible, but it's part of my daily life. I listen to it to and fromwork, I bought an mp3 version and put it on an mp3 player and listento it on my 20-minute drive (one way) to work and back. I listen tonothing else 95% of the time.There's more to this email than the above and the mere merits ofreading the Bible daily.As a result of this, I ended up in Romans 8 and couldn't help noticingthe verses that speak of-> the mind set on the flesh and the consequencesand-> the mind set on the Spirit and the consequences.In the computer world (my life), we talk about something called "GIGO"(garbage in, garbage out), among other useful analogies.
remember the parable of the Prodigal Son, who when he hadexpended his father's wealth and came to his senses, he said he'dreturn. AND HIS FATHER SAW HIM WHEN HE WAS FAR OFF AND WELCOMED HIMBACK.;&version=49;That's God towards us, even way back in Isaiah 55, God says let thewicked forsake his way, and the evil man his thoughts, and let himturn to the Lord and he will have compassion on him, and to our God,for he will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord.The thing to be excited about in Romans 8 is that (I still find thisodd) that God allows us to call him "Daddy" - Go look it up in anyreliable concordance, or ask some spiritual person you trust what ABBAFATHER means. You'll be told it is a term of endearment along theorder of "Daddy" (part of me still can't get over this).Part of me started exploring this when a spiritually wise person Irespect told me (a number of months ago) that I should learn to "Restin God" -- and so I began digging on that.
matter for a while, and I feel like I'm justbeginning.Even CS Lewis spoke of this in his book "Mere Christianity" (to somedegree), insomuch that he said that God gave us minds and intends forus to use them. Worship and Love of God far exceeds the mere mind (tobe absurdly obvious), however, the discussion of the mind in terms ofwhat Romans 8 states of setting my mind on the Spirit vs. the gutterin practical terms is very needed I personally believe.
inner city medical missions .......... this is what i need in my life: my Heavenly FATHER, Jesus - my very very best friend, HIS Spirit to seal me with Love, Joy, and Peace. i need laugher - lots of laughter. its my medicine. Proverbs 17:22 joyous heart James 2:23 Friend of HIM, my Creator. and if you cant say papa hiirm, try papa hiram or uncle hiram :lol: our Heavenly FATHER is with us !!
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